Everyone knows that bacon makes everything better. A cheeseburger is good, but make it a bacon cheeseburger and it's even better. A breakfast staple is bacon & eggs, because who has just eggs? I like a steak, but wrap it in bacon and it becomes a little piece of tender heaven. We even have the B.L.T. (the B does not stand for bread), and add bacon bits to salad (mmm...Caesar Salad). But what is bacon, and why all the hype about it suddenly?
Bacon, Bacon, and More Bacon |
Appetizer: Bacon Wrapped Avocado
Entree: Bacon Wrapped Chicken Drumstick, with steamed garlic broccoli (I thought about doing bacon mashed potatoes, but decided that would be too heavy for the meal and went with something lighter).
Dessert: Candied Bacon
I cooked all the items together on a rack in the oven, and as they were finished, I took them out and kept them warm. You could do them each on a different pan and have them all ready at the same time.
So, here's how you do it
Bacon Wrapped Avocado
4-6 Strips of Bacon, cut in half
1 Avocado, peeled and cut into 8-12 wedges (it depends on how big your avocado is, and how much you want in each wrap)
1/4 to 1/3 Cup Brown Sugar (depending on how sweet you'd like it)
1 Teaspoon Chili Powder (or less depending on how spicy you'd like it)
1. Heat the oven to 425°F (I baked them at 400°F).
2. In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and chili powder. Set aside
3. Line a baking pan with tinfoil and place a roasting rack on top.
4. Cut open the avocado and remove the pit. Slice lengthwise through the avocado, approximately 8-12 slices.
5. Wrap each piece of cut bacon around the avocado wedge. Roll in the brown sugar/chili mixture and place on the baking rack.
6. Bake for 10-20 minutes. Remove from the oven to a platter and stick a tooth pick in each for serving.
Bacon Wrapped Chicken Drumstick
1/2 a lemon, juiced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
chicken seasoning (I used thyme and oregano)
6 chicken drumsticks
6 pieces of bacon
1. Heat oven to 400°F.
2. Mix together the lemon juice and garlic with some seasoning. Set aside.
3. Prick the chicken several times with a sharp knife and drizzle with half the garlicky lemon juice.
4. Wrap each drumstick with one piece of bacon and put in a single layer on the rack on your baking pan.
5. Drizzle on the remaining garlic-lemon juice.
6. Cook for 45-50 mins until the chicken is cooked through and the bacon is starting to crisp up. Flash under a hot grill if you like your bacon really crisp.
Candied Bacon
6 slices bacon
Finely ground black pepper
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1. Preheat the oven to 325 °F (I baked them at 400°F and they were fine, I just baked them for a shorter time)
2. Put bacon slices in a bowl, season them with pepper and toss with the brown sugar. Cover a baking sheet with parchment or foil with a roasting rack on top. Arrange the bacon in a single layer and sprinkle any sugar left in the bowl over the bacon. If you want, you can top with another layer of parchment or foil and top it, squarely, with another baking sheet that will flatten the bacon as it cooks, but I didn't have a problem.
3. Place the tray in the center of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Check the bacon, and if it is not golden brown and fairly crispy, cook it for 10 to 15 minutes longer. Check it again. Keep in mind that when you remove the tray and transfer the bacon to a serving platter or individual plates, the bacon will "crisp" up a little more.
4. Let cool before serving.

Cooking bacon in the oven on a roasting rack elevates it from the grease that drips out, but careful, it dries out a little faster, but it isn't being fried in fat. We also greatly enjoy baking a bacon weave. It's perfect for B.L.T.s because every bite can have bacon. To do this, cut 6 pieces of bacon in half, and basket weave them into 2 squares.
"Is it Bacon Day?" (Simpson, Homer)
P.S. It's not yet Bacon Day, you'll have to wait until August 31, 2013 for that!
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